Innovation PL in Australia

Hi everyone!

I hope life has been treating you well since our fabulous USA Study Tour ended.  I came across this series of professional learning events and thought the Australians might be interested.  It is being held in all Australian states during July, August and September 2016.  Perhaps it will help to keep your thinking about innovation and reflect on what you learned, discovered and resolved to do on the Study Tour?…

Leading an Innovation Agenda in Education

The field of education is experiencing many disruptive forces. Technology changes, demographic changes, shifts in public expectations and changes in government philosophy all suggest that the delivery of education is likely to be radically different 10 years from now compared to 10 years ago.  Given this landscape, a school’s performance will be closely tied to the development and implementation of new innovations. However, research suggests that most organisations, in general, fail when attempting to develop and implement innovations in their processes and activities.


In this one day program Professor Williamson will discuss ways that educational leaders can successfully develop and implement an innovation agenda that allows their schools to not only survive but thrive during periods of disruption. The program will draw upon prior and on-going research to lay out key attributes of an innovation culture. The session will discuss how an innovation culture can be used to enhance student, teacher and community outcomes. Through the use of case studies and exercises this interactive program will provide participants with practical and applied tools for developing and sustaining innovations in their schools.


The one day workshop will be divided into three sessions focusing on:

  • Innovation and School Performance
  • Key Attributes of an Innovative Culture
  • Overcoming Barriers to Innovation


School and system leaders in education are encouraged to attend this workshop.

Click HERE for more information about the PL, the presenter and to register.

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